Part of the day at Google I/O BootCamp was a BarCamp. And, I did propose a session. After spending a year working with GWT on a LAMP Stack without an application server, I felt that I had a lot to share.
If I had gotten 1 more vote in the end, my session would have happened. Just proposing...
This was a fun idea, and great execution. Imagine running the Boston Marathon in your own home? Well, with iFit Live, you can. iFit Live integrates a Norditrak treadmill with Google Earth.
Utilizing Street View, you can run anywhere you want any time you want. The treadmill automatically adjusts...
And so, it begins… Registration is going smoothly. There is a lot of excitement in the air.
I’ll be posting more updates later in the day.
How do I decide? These are today’s sessions. My initial thoughts are:
-Intro to Google Maps v3
-??? Totally confused! Opinions, please!
-The Go Programming Language
-Google Web Toolkit: 0-60 in no time flat *
* I know that this session would be mostly a review for me. But, I often find revi...
From My Scripts for Pomodoro Desktop | Steven Jay Cohen:
To follow up on my scripts for Pomodoro Desktop, here are some Adium versions of the same scripts:
Start script:
set timeStr to time string of ((current date) + (25 * minutes))
set Pos to offset of ":" in timeStr
set timeStr...
From Content (googleiobootcamp):
I need to choose sessions from this list and I am having a hard time making the decision.
Yes, I am having a “kid in a candy shop” moment. Your opinions are greatly appreciated.
From Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and the long road to the iPad. – By Tim Wu – Slate Magazine:
[S]omewhere, deep inside, Wozniak must realize what the release of the iPad signifies: The company he once built now, officially, no longer exists.
A well thought out look back on the evolut...
In May, I will be heading to the Google I/O Conference. I had heard that Google was giving out Android phones to help swell the ranks of potential Android developers. So, I wasn’t completely surprised when I got the following email.
As you might have guessed, Android will have a big presence a...
From Google vs. Apple = open vs. closed – Video – Technology:
This is a very interesting video. And, I can see both sides of the argument. Though honestly, these days, I seem to be falling more on the Google side of the fence.
From Premium VPN UK/US PPTP and OpenVPN VPN | HideIpVPN:
HideIPVPN offers premium VPN accounts on our servers located in United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Canada.
With recent changes in Privacy Laws here in Massachusetts, I have become more aware of when and where custome...
Pomodoro Desktop is a great utility to aid in Time Management. It helps break tasks down into simple, bite-sized chunks.
My workplace has a simple policy. If your iChat status is set to DND (Do Not Disturb), people leave you alone completely. I have found that people stress out less about not bei...
Running MAMP on standard ports (80 for Apache and 3306 for mySQL) makes MAMP ask for a password on each start up. I would like MAMP to start automatically when I log in without requiring a password.
There are a few ways to do this posted around the web, but they all involve hacking MAMP in one w...
From Malware delivered by Yahoo, Fox, Google ads | InSecurity Complex – CNET News:
…researchers at Avast are pointing fingers at some large ad delivery platforms including Yahoo’s Yield Manager and Fox Audience Network’s, which together cover more than 50 percent of online ads, an...
From Why Apple and Google Need Each Other %u2013 GigaOM:
Right now, iPhone owners are experiencing the mobile web through the 150,000 or so apps it offers through the App Store. But Apple has also backed HTML5, which allows a smartphone browser to have rich app-like features without requiring...