After a bit of a refactoring frenzy of late, GaSP can now intelligently reformat its content for mobile, tablet, and desktop computers. I big thank you goes out to the people behind PHP Mobile Detect for helping to make it this easy to implement.

Making GaSP mobile-aware lead me to re-examin...

After a short stint of a few months with Drupal, you may have noticed that, once again, this site is running GaSP.

Drupal is wonderfully powerful but was “getting in the way” instead of fascilitating creative expression.

So, I have resurrected the GaSP project. I am still doing a bit of cleani...

One of Google Web Toolkit‘s greatest strengths, and also one of it’s greatest weaknesses, are the Web Developer plugins for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Explorer. During development, these plugins allow you to preview your changes without needing to stop and compile. When it works, it is simply...

In the next two weeks, I get to be at two very different conferences inRESONANCE University and Google I/O.

At #irU, I will be building my FileMaker skills, and at #io2011, I will be building my Google Web Toolkit (GWT) skills (among other things).

I will be posting/tweeting from both events...

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Google Web Toolkit support for Internet Explorer 9 is still in beta. So, you may be experiencing problems with your GWT apps (I know that I was). The answer is to put the tag listed above into the head of your landing page. This forces Tride...

As you may have noticed, my site is no longer powered by Drupal. Let me start by saying that I have nothing against Drupal, I think it is a wonderful system, but… (and there’s always a but) when trying to upgrade to Drupal 7, I got stuck without being to fulfill the minimum requirements to install...

brian-1Brian Hollis explains GENERATIONS, inRESONANCE’s Fundraising and Development solution. Covering concepts as diverse as Soft Credits, Fiscal Years, and Batch Numbers, Brian makes complex concepts simple.

Most of my experience with GENERATIONS comes from coding Generations Web Services (GWS). GW...

While doing a quick search for the GWT v2.1 release date, I noticed the following result at the bottom of the page.


Neither the My social circle nor the My social content links actually worked, but I wonder if this is a preview of Google’s rumored Google Me Social Network?

From Marking as SPAM is NOT blocking similar messages – Gmail Help:

Recent severe increase in the amount of SPAM making it to my inbox (2 weeks so far). I mark messages as SPAM but continue to receive similar messages day after day. It looks like I am doing everything that I can on my end. Is...

I’ve been home for a week now. I’m recovered from the jet lag and I’ve begun to catch up on work. It’s taken that time for me to gain a bit of perspective on everything that happened at I/O this year.

I received 2 Android phones. The first was a Motorola Droid (about a month before the conferenc...

Part of the day at Google I/O BootCamp was a BarCamp. And, I did propose a session. After spending a year working with GWT on a LAMP Stack without an application server, I felt that I had a lot to share.


If I had gotten 1 more vote in the end, my session would have happened. Just proposing...

From Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and the long road to the iPad. – By Tim Wu – Slate Magazine:

[S]omewhere, deep inside, Wozniak must realize what the release of the iPad signifies: The company he once built now, officially, no longer exists.


A well thought out look back on the evolut...

Now, it’s one thing for a company like Netflix to “accidentally” exclude Chrome, but I cannot imagine a valid excuse for Google Web Toolkit not supporting Google’s own Chrome for Development Mode.

This looks like a genuine #googlefail 🙁

Slowly but surely, my tech life gets more “Googley”.

I spend my days coding using GWT (Google Web Toolkit) using the Google Eclipse Plugin. I will be going to the Google I/O 2010 conference, including Google’s Boot Camp. Gmail is my main source of contact for email and instant messaging...

About 3 years ago, I moved from teaching to programming for a living. During that time, I have worked in 4GL languages like Genero from 4js, and more traditional languages like PHP, HTML, CSS, sqlite, mySQL, FileMaker, and now… Java.

Java was an incredible change for me. It was my first real O...