Moving house is an odd thing, even when that house turns out to be a virtual one. Usually, visual changes here are purely design changes as both my tastes and my design skills evolve. But, this time, many of the changes you see are connected to a migration (or move) of what and how this site functio...
Back in the days of yore, when Facebook hadn't even been a twinkle in Zuck's eye, blogs ruled what existed of the Web. "Normies" had only recently started to venture outside of CompuServ, AOL, Delphi, and the like.
In the primitive world of pre-Google Search, stumbling upon a well-written blog fel...
We are trying out these new audiograms! Click below to hear a snippet from our latest ep …>
— Radiolab (@Radiolab) September 14, 2015
Audiograms are cool! By combining your audio with an image (like the book cover) in a compelling way, aud...
Over the last few weeks, I have completely rebuilt GaSP (both the front and back ends).
It is now fast, secure, and intuitive, while keeping the source code easily readable (Hey, I spent too many years as an educator for that not to be one of my goals). All of the changes inspired me to buil...
From Premium VPN UK/US PPTP and OpenVPN VPN | HideIpVPN:
HideIPVPN offers premium VPN accounts on our servers located in United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Canada.
With recent changes in Privacy Laws here in Massachusetts, I have become more aware of when and where custome...
From Microsoft Confirms IE9 Won’t Come to XP – HotHardware:
Since the ranks of Windows XP will not be diminishing any time soon, this means that IE8 support in websites will be around for a very long time to come. This is not a bad thing actually. In fact, IE8 does a pretty good job b...
Some friends have been following links from LiveJournal, Twitter, and Facebook back to this site and have been wondering about how to log in here (so they are not commenting anonymously).
If you go to the Log In link at the top of the page, you will see a way to log in with Facebook or OpenI...