I work in Eclipse nearly every day, and I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have needed to compress a folder or project for one reason or another. Since tools like Zip and Tar are part of OSX, it is pretty easy to configure Eclipse to package the files for me.


Click on the Externa...

One of Google Web Toolkit‘s greatest strengths, and also one of it’s greatest weaknesses, are the Web Developer plugins for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Explorer. During development, these plugins allow you to preview your changes without needing to stop and compile. When it works, it is simply...

I see
what the fire
reveals of your eyes.

Your soul
agasinst the brown of your skin
makes itself known.

And touches me
in a place
beyond words
before words
before the word.

for you i wait not longingly contently completely utterly still within knowing that one day you and i we will be

I wake With my fingers moving Across the coarse cotton of the bed Toward a notion of you. Breathing deep I dream your scent into being. A longing So utterly essential No longer confined Searches the sheets. Wanting nothing more Or less Than to invoke you.

It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but since Mac OSX is based on BSD, you open programs (including web browsers) like you do on other UNIX derivatives. In Preferences, under General, you will find Web Browsers. Add a new browser. Name it anything you like. Put /usr/bin/open into the Loca...

Kevin McAllister kicks off inRESONANCE University Spring 2011 with a talk about why “the Cloud” is not ready for you (meaning schools).kevin-iru-am-presenting

Kevin discusses the advantages and drawbacks of moving your data to the Cloud and makes some convincing arguments that, right now, moving a school’s data to the...

In the next two weeks, I get to be at two very different conferences inRESONANCE University and Google I/O.

At #irU, I will be building my FileMaker skills, and at #io2011, I will be building my Google Web Toolkit (GWT) skills (among other things).

I will be posting/tweeting from both events...

Google Friend Connect offers a lot of features that are on my To Do list for GaSP. And, I have been keeping GaSP lean and fast in part by leaning on existing packages where I can. At this point, the only code duplication that I have would be the Comment System. It would be deprecated in favor...

< mеtа http-еqսiv="X-UA-Compаtiblе" contеnt="IE=8"  >

Google Web Toolkit support for Internet Explorer 9 is still in beta. So, you may be experiencing problems with your GWT apps (I know that I was). The answer is to put the tag listed above into the head of your landing page. This forces Tride...

As you may have noticed, my site is no longer powered by Drupal. Let me start by saying that I have nothing against Drupal, I think it is a wonderful system, but… (and there’s always a but) when trying to upgrade to Drupal 7, I got stuck without being to fulfill the minimum requirements to install...

This television commercial, first aired during...

Image via Wikipedia

Back in 1984, Apple launched an ad campaign during the Superbowl casting IBM (and by association Microsoft) as George Orwell‘s Big Brother. This year’s Superbowl saw a much more understated take on the mono-culture of 1984.

And this time, the evil empire is b...

My case is easiest explained in metaphor…

Think of HULU as a bakery. In this bakery, there are some items placed on the counter with a sign in front of them declaiming those particular pasteries as FREE.

Today, there will be 3 customers.

The first customer is a personal computer (running Win...

If I have any living heroes in this world, Sir Ken Robinson would be chief among them. A friend posted a link to the short video below. When I watched it, I realized that the editing had actually altered the impact of Sir Ken’s lecture to the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactu...