Like ProTools, REAPER is a professional grade DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). It runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and a license can be purchased for as little as $60. Like most true DAWs, REAPER is designed first and foremost around music production. So, some configuring is needed to optimize i...
In 2014, I stopped using Macs, and in 2020, I stopped using Windows. But, this wasn’t supposed to be an article about the shortcomings of the platforms of my past. It was supposed to focus on the present, and the future. But before I get there, I really should explain how I got here…
I’ve used lin...
My case is easiest explained in metaphor…
Think of HULU as a bakery. In this bakery, there are some items placed on the counter with a sign in front of them declaiming those particular pasteries as FREE.
Today, there will be 3 customers.
The first customer is a personal computer (running Win...
Product page moved HERE. This page has become a category.
Safari is my default browser (on both Mac OSX and Windows, I use Konqueror when in Linux). So, I wanted to harness Safari’s built-in capacity to use Custom Style Sheets as an ad-blocking solution. After looking around on the web, I found...
Hey! Steve! I am still waiting for you to apologize to teachers all across the United States for your off-the-cuff comments. Believe me, as my powerbook starts to show its age and I shop around, your uninformed comments really do make me consider buying a linux pre-loaded laptop instead of a MacBo...
MacNN | Jobs to get “Rotten Apple’ award without apology
Okay Mr. Jobs… the ball is in your court. Years ago, Apple decided the Education Market was its core business. In these days of iPods and iPhones, you may be forgetting that a huge percentage of your computer business is STILL teachers, form...
Since my machine can run any UNIX application I would ever need, why would I ever think about putting GNU/Linux on my Mac? Well, my little 12″ Powerbook is a very solid little machine and if she is still chugging along in the day when she is just too slow to effectively run current software in OSX,...
This is a SuSE 9.1 rpm of the Active Heart theme for KDE 3.2.I now use this for my default theme. It is aethetically pleasing, simple, clean, and functional. I applaud the theme’s author for his work.I will post by custom tweaks to match it to everaldo’s Crystal Icon theme shortly.
Click h...
What’s New
-Version 1.4 includes the sound Moof (the call of the long lost Mac mascot – Clarus the Dogcow).
-WAV files are included for use under other Unix-based OSes (including Linux and BSD) or Windows
(installation instructions for other OSes are not included)
It seems that my Blue Hat icon has become the cover art for Fedora Core 3.
Here is a replacement for the icon that comes with Fedora Linux. TheUrge pointed out that since it’s not Redhat anymore, it shouldn’t have a red hat. I chose this blue because it matches the RHN blue check icon on my menubar.
I designed Keramik Pearl to soften the default look for the KDE desktop environment. If you look at the images in the KDE Look entry you can see that I did my best to make this Linux desktop feel like MacOSX (pre-panther).
Color Scheme
Kicker Wallpaper