I threw this Dashboard widget together in a few minutes using Amnesty Generator. It seems to work pretty well. Submit bug reports here and I will see what I can do about improving it.
I put this together because while looking around on the web, I found that someone else had made a gTalk widget. Wh...
In a few different posts, I have sung the praises of Journler the program where I spend most of my creative time on the mac these days. And, you may remember that I contributed some icons to Journeyer as a sort of donation in kind. Well, I just dusted off my bash scripting skills and wrote a simpl...
I have been really happy to see the interest in my “tweak themes”. I call them that since they are designed to be installed over existing themes (though some people say they like them over the standard Apple Aqua). I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who decided to sign up for the site so th...
It’s no where near as fancy as the one in Mozilla-based browsers (Camino, Firefox, SeaMonkey, Flock, etc.), but for those of us who prefer Apple’s Safari, it’s a lot more than we get in WordPress right now. And, this is how I got it working:
Using the User Agent spoofing settings on the Debug...
Introducing MacOSX Tigger, the Tiger Apple should have released in the first place. All window shapes match and there are 2 shading options: Unified and Metal.
Since Apple started shipping internal skins in the iLife applications, Iridium doesn’t really provide a Universal UI anymore. Tigger is...
In the spirit of Iridium, let me take a moment to introduce it’s darker sibling: Chromium.
I have been working on a theme that applies the iTunes 7 look to all of MacOS X. I have taken interface elements from iTunes, Iridium, and from many themes built by other people in order to make this work. B...
I feel like I should start this post with something like rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
Iridium has not seen an update since v1.9F. That F was meant to stand for final. And, it seems that Iridium still installs fine under 10.4.8, so there is no reason for an update. And, thoug...
I know that I haven’t posted anything new for quite some time. The semester at school was coming to a close among other things and that just got in the way of things like this. This time last year, I was coding Iridium and that took a lot of time and focus. This year, my design obsession has been he...
There have been tutorials about using the Jabber features in iChat to connect to many IM systems (AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, etc). I have tried to use this set up from time to time but always reverted to just directly connecting to AIM/ICQ because the gateways that I could find were just too flaky (they...
H Double-T P is a hack of Apple’s Google widget.
Personally, I don’t really need a widget to search Google. My browser has a search box in the upper right corner. So, having a widget to search google didn’t save me enough clicks to be of help.
If I am in another application and my web brow...
I’ve been a busy little techie recently. My writing has suffered for it. I’ve been preoccupied with rebuilding both this site and Iridium. When Apple updated MacOSX to 10.4.4, it had the side effect of uninstalling Iridium. This is because Apple made changes to one of the core files in Iridium Extra...
I am currently seeking assistance from legal owners of Intel-based Macs.
In it’s current form, Iridium will successfully skin any application running under Rosetta, but not native applications on the much anticipated Intel-based macs to be released in 2006.
This is because my edits change mostly...
Peter van der Krogt posted details of J. Carrington Sellars Chemistianity on the web. Realizing that I was building a new look for MacOSX that echoed Apple’s old Platinum, I started looking around the web for information about metals that were similar to Platinum. When I reached Peter’s site, this...
Bandar Raffah is the designer responsible for the incredibly cute Tux-n-tosh icons. Back in 2003, he designed an icon set called Feelsright, and I do agree, it does “feel right.” I have only had to make some small adjustments to the pack to make it fit Iridium. And, Bandar has started to produce...
Bandar Raffah has graciously allowed me to use his Feelsright icons in Iridium. I am honored to include such a wonderful set of icons in my download. Other recent changes to Iridium include improved skinning of the Drawers. It’s nearly done, and hopefully, you will be able to download it soon.