more on Feelsright

iridium os x software

Bandar Raffah is the designer responsible for the incredibly cute Tux-n-tosh icons. Back in 2003, he designed an icon set called Feelsright, and I do agree, it does “feel right.” I have only had to make some small adjustments to the pack to make it fit Iridium. And, Bandar has started to produce a few more icons to fill in gaps in the set made by changes in folder types since MacOSX 10.2. Currently, I am looking for logical applications to switch out folder icons with the new ones. So far, the new Iridium beta skins Safari, Mail, and iTunes (though there are no folder icons embedded in iTunes). Once I am sure that I have skinned all apps that ship with OSX and I figure out one other oddity, I will post Iridium v1.6.6.

I am considering adding skinning files for other commonly used OSX apps. They would be separate from the basic installer to reduce version churn. Comments and suggestions are welcome, as always.

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