For those of you who would like to apply Iridium using ThemeChanger or ShapeShifter instead of using my installer, I have just built an updated DLTA file:

Contingent upon the release status of ThemeChanger, in the future, Iridium might only...

It will take a while for v1.6.5 to propagate to planetmirror, so those of you reading this can get a jump on everyone else and download the latest version of Iridium from here. I did a bit of tweaking, improved the installer, fixed the look of the drawers, shrunk the download, and really separated...

So, I know that only a few days ago I thought Iridium was almost over. And, I did not see anything left to theme. Well, of course, that did not last long. The current beta themes all of the drawers properly. Then, as a change of pace, I turned my attention to the installer program. I have integrated...

I am readying Iridium v1.6.4 for release. It is no where near as aggressive of a change as I was toying with in the betas. The new release will fix the metal drawers that appear in apps like iChat and iCal, remove (what I hope to be) the last stripes in the OS, and it fixes a mistake in v1.6.3. I ha...

So, after the release of Iridium v1.6.3, things seem pretty quiet. The email has slowed down. I am still getting a few “thank you”s, and an occasional question, but it seems that v1.6.3 is pretty bug free. I have been working on v1.6.4 though. The changes are getting very minor at this point. So far...

Frequently asked questions:

Q: I’ve installed Iridium, now how do I change between the themes?
A: Iridium is not a theme-changing program. It installs 1 new theme in place of the old look of your OS. To change themes, run one of the other installers or restore programs.

Q: I would like to reque...


Click here to download

SmoothTunes began as part of Iridium. A theme for MacOSX 10.4

Like the rest of my site, SmoothTunes is licensed under the Creative Commons, but since it is a derivative work and not wholly original, I chose the follow...

*“IRIDIUM, Platinum’s twin companion
And to which it has a great resemblance,
Is a white and brittle metal that fuses
With difficulty in the Compound Blowpipe flame.”*
J. Carrington Sellars, Chemistianity , 1873, p. 186

Before MacOSX, Apple Computers shipped an OS that had a unified lo...