Find some silence.

Get away from the mic for a while, get some distance, some clarity.

Are you still in the moment?

I’m not sure (not usually a good sign).

Think back through the story a bit…

When do you feel it?

Okay… there it is. Yeah, you feel that?

So stop now.

Don’t try to figur...

One hundred pages, today.

Not impossible, just not typical. Definitely possible.

Up early, silently, moving through my morning routine.

Bathroom, feed the cat, make the coffee, start up the booth computer, open the windows curtains, drink the coffee, watch the sun rise…

And then, into the bo...

For me, it’s always hardest on the first day back in the booth after any kind of a break. The longer the break, the harder that first day tends to be.

A fear seems to build up within me that has weight and mass. It feels so very solid. Ominous. Impenetrable.

The worst thing about that fear is th...

Since my birthday is close to the end of January, it — more than the official new year — has often been a starting point for me.

Yes, I did just make a post about not liking resolutions, but sometimes life makes a commitment to formal change necessary.

You see, my daughter grew up.

For over...

When you suddenly remember that your website is run by blogging software and the last blog post was about 9 months ago, what do you do?

I sit here and sigh for a moment. That exhale contains an attempt to let go of all the standard “noise” that fills my head when something like that happens; or mo...

It takes a firm twist to make the top of the pot come free. Once it starts to move, it turns smoothly in its groove until it comes away in the hand and is placed upon the counter. A lift of the tray filled with grains hardened by pressure from the last time. It gets turned over, grains facing down i...

Like ProTools, REAPER is a professional grade DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). It runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and a license can be purchased for as little as $60. Like most true DAWs, REAPER is designed first and foremost around music production. So, some configuring is needed to optimize i...

When most audiobook narrators are setting up a booth, one place they tend to get stuck is understanding how to find the optimum position for their microphone.

The common advice that leads to lots of poorly placed microphones.

The 2-Fist or Hang-10 approach is the most common thing that people w...

DEREK [not his real name]: Hi Steven! Got some time to answer a few questions about my new booth?

ME: Hey man, new booth?

DEREK: Yeah, used the Covid stimulus money to get one used off Craigslist. Gina [not her real name] helped me move it to my place.

ME: What kind of booth is it?


In 2014, I stopped using Macs, and in 2020, I stopped using Windows. But, this wasn’t supposed to be an article about the shortcomings of the platforms of my past. It was supposed to focus on the present, and the future. But before I get there, I really should explain how I got here…

I’ve used lin...


I know that this may be hard for you to accept but regardless of what that Social Media Guru/Ninja/Barista says, Liking, Sharing, and Retweeting content is not actual promotion.

Yes, I can also point to oddball, unicorn cases where something went viral com...

First off, I have no inside knowledge. There are no intentional spoilers in this post. The idea came to me this morning (7 days before Endgame will be released) and I just thought I’d share…

Until now, when asked what I wanted to see happen in Avengers Endgame, I had a simple answer consisting of...

I’ve taken a few stretches of time away from Social Media, a detox of sorts. I’ve been reminding myself that I don’t need to be constantly connected, that allowing for silence can, in fact, aid creativity. But, being self-employed and working in media, a large part of my workday requires me to be on...

We are trying out these new audiograms! Click below to hear a snippet from our latest ep …>

— Radiolab (@Radiolab) September 14, 2015

Audiograms are cool! By combining your audio with an image (like the book cover) in a compelling way, aud...