About a month and a half without a post… sorry about that. I do realize that probably cost me some readers. Hopefully, I will be able to get you back. Just give me a chance.
Lots of stuff, lots of changes. Some big, some small. Hey, let’s start here. Keep absolutely everyone you know away from Le...
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And, if you feel a synerg...
You may have noticed that some of the longer work is password protected. This is true even if you are a member.
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I think this was also done as part of the same fundraiser. The two dimensions that collide are those of Doctor Who and EastEnders! Sophie Aldred (Ace), Sylvester McCoy, and Elizabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane) looked right at home in Albert Square. I can’t say the same for Colin Baker.
Here is a replacement for the icon that comes with Fedora Linux. TheUrge pointed out that since it’s not Redhat anymore, it shouldn’t have a red hat. I chose this blue because it matches the RHN blue check icon on my menubar.
I apologize for the background noise. I will put up a cleaner file when I can figure out how to get rid of that hum.
Rowan Atkinson shows us what The Doctor looks like through Blackadder’s eyes. I was half expecting to see Baldric playing K-9. Actually, what I got to see was an entirely silly spoof that included multiple regenerations, including Hugh Grant! This spoof was originally aired on British television as...
I designed Keramik Pearl to soften the default look for the KDE desktop environment. If you look at the images in the KDE Look entry you can see that I did my best to make this Linux desktop feel like MacOSX (pre-panther).
Color Scheme
Kicker Wallpaper
I apologize for the background noise. I will put up a cleaner file when I can figure out how to get rid of that hum.
Is the word starlet insulting? No one has said anything, but this morning, I looked back on yesterday’s entry and I wondered. And that has me thinking about language again (you knew I would get back there somehow). I totally understand the attempt to remove the caste and class system by manipulating...
Kaitlin commented that my starlet crushes don’t seem to match up with the women that she has known me to date. So, I figured that was a good jumping off point for a totally superficial entry like this one. Helen Mirren over here. She has been known to bewitch my gaze. Even in more recent roles. This...
slower day… less worry… less emergency…
It’s nice working in the quiet and taking time off as I need it through the day. The streets of Northampton are kind and easy. People meet your eye and say hello. I like it.On a totally different topic, I think Leo McKern here should play Mad Eye Moody when...
I just sat down and played Angel from Montgomery. And, I uploaded it to my site. Sorry about the hum. I am not really set up to do sound recording from here. I don’t know what causes that hum. Maybe I just have a cheap microphone.
Then I sat down and watched some TV. Yes, I know that is not usuall...
I would love to tell you all about my day, but, I’m afraid that if I gave out details someone might show up threatening to cast my feet in digital cement and push me into the East River. (Yep, I know my Brooklyn roots are showing.) Some days are just like that.
I feel like I have been writing abou...