Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1841, a
Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1841, a “prudent and efficient” consul. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SYNOPSIS: A young, handsome traveler arrives in medieval Italy. He meets a beautiful woman, the daughter of an eccentric scientist. The young man doesn’t know that the old scientist has altered his daughter...

“One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.”
— The First Doctor

It has been four years since I finished writing my last Doctor Who script,...

The emails over the last few days have been a bit overwhelming.

Just to be clear, though I may continue writing these stories, they will no longer appear as part of the BSAP podcast. The team at BSAP have decided to take their stories in a different direction. I received an email telling me that m...

As season 2 draws to a close, some questions are answered and new questions are born.

This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-released (and possibly re-engineered) here, by the original author, as part of an expanded story...

It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated this blog. Most of my work has gone on “behind the scenes”, as it were. Small tweaks to the design, hardening security against spammers, uploading new files…

All that, I’ve been doing, but I haven’t actually posted much of anything in a while. Sorry about...

The Doctor aids a band of rebels in their stand against an overwhelming Cyberman invasion. And Olivia finds out what it feels like to play the part of a Time Lord

This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-released (and possib...

This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-released (and possibly re-engineered) here, by the original author, as part of an expanded story line.

Though originally broadcast at BrokenSea, this episode is no longer listed in...

Time has fallen. Olivia is in the garden. Amanda is in the void. And the Doctor… The Doctor does not exist!

This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-released (and possibly re-engineered) here, by the original author, as part...

Pulled away from New Earth by forces that even he does not understand, the Doctor lifts the fog from one of the least understood events in the history of the Universe — The Time War.

This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-...

As the strands of Time weave themselves back together, a new pattern forms, bringing the Doctor face to face with one of his oldest enemies and a long lost friend.

This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-released (and possi...

This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-released (and possibly re-engineered) here, by the original author, as part of an expanded story line.

Though originally broadcast at BrokenSea, this episode is no longer listed in...

As Madame Waterfield (Damaris Mannering) is dying, Francois Rakoczi (Stephen Kilcullen) presses her mysterious connection with The Doctor (Mark Kalita) to try and right the shape of reality. Olivia (Adriana Melendez) pieces together a mystery of her own, while The Doctor plants seeds for a looming...

This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-released (and possibly re-engineered) here, by the original author, as part of an expanded story line.

Though originally broadcast at BrokenSea, this episode is no longer listed in...

All his life, he has wandered, wandered across the known Universe, in search of answers. He has learned many things… dark, forgotten arts of myth and power. In a Nexus linking 18th Century Old Earth to the Distant future on New Earth, The Doctor (Mark Kalita), Olivia (Adriana Melendez), and Franco...