It will take a while for v1.6.5 to propagate to planetmirror, so those of you reading this can get a jump on everyone else and download the latest version of Iridium from here. I did a bit of tweaking, improved the installer, fixed the look of the drawers, shrunk the download, and really separated...

So, I know that only a few days ago I thought Iridium was almost over. And, I did not see anything left to theme. Well, of course, that did not last long. The current beta themes all of the drawers properly. Then, as a change of pace, I turned my attention to the installer program. I have integrated...

I am readying Iridium v1.6.4 for release. It is no where near as aggressive of a change as I was toying with in the betas. The new release will fix the metal drawers that appear in apps like iChat and iCal, remove (what I hope to be) the last stripes in the OS, and it fixes a mistake in v1.6.3. I ha...

So, after the release of Iridium v1.6.3, things seem pretty quiet. The email has slowed down. I am still getting a few “thank you”s, and an occasional question, but it seems that v1.6.3 is pretty bug free. I have been working on v1.6.4 though. The changes are getting very minor at this point. So far...

Frequently asked questions:

Q: I’ve installed Iridium, now how do I change between the themes?
A: Iridium is not a theme-changing program. It installs 1 new theme in place of the old look of your OS. To change themes, run one of the other installers or restore programs.

Q: I would like to reque...


Click here to download

SmoothTunes began as part of Iridium. A theme for MacOSX 10.4

Like the rest of my site, SmoothTunes is licensed under the Creative Commons, but since it is a derivative work and not wholly original, I chose the follow...

*“IRIDIUM, Platinum’s twin companion
And to which it has a great resemblance,
Is a white and brittle metal that fuses
With difficulty in the Compound Blowpipe flame.”*
J. Carrington Sellars, Chemistianity , 1873, p. 186

Before MacOSX, Apple Computers shipped an OS that had a unified lo...

stands a willow
who whispered green
within a field of brown.

She stood there
while the others slept

those around her
dreamed her whispers

and woke.

I took this a few years ago at Twilight Covening . I won’t be at Rites of Spring this year. So, call me nostalgic, but I needed to see that lake right now. I miss it.

i step outside
into a breeze
too raw for spring
still tinged by the melting snow.

in a day
or two
the last whiteness will be gone
and the air
will blunt with warmth.

i take
in my arms
birch wood.

an easy burn
in the days of lengthened light

and i wonder
toward nights soon to come....

Many people have been really helpful by (politely) pointing out the glitches in my site migration. Overall, I am happy with the results. The look and feel is drastically different than it was. And, I no longer have to deal with people faking hits on my site to improve their rankings. I know there ar...

As you can see, the new design is up.For some reason, I had loads of energy when I got home last night. So, instead of working on my tax returns, I decided to complete my site migration. All of the old content is here, but it’s not all in the same place. I will be spending the next few days making s...

Not many people will be able to see the new changes yet. If you are seeing this, consider yourself one of the lucky few in the know.I am considering moving my site away from b2evo and managing it locally with macJournal. Some people consider this a step backward, but since I find that I actually u...

turn up your eyes
to me
so i may
in their wonder.

when i draw close
they shade themselves
from my view.

in reply
mine hide as well

in the moments


we touch.


This is a SuSE 9.1 rpm of the Active Heart theme for KDE 3.2.I now use this for my default theme. It is aethetically pleasing, simple, clean, and functional. I applaud the theme’s author for his work.I will post by custom tweaks to match it to everaldo’s Crystal Icon theme shortly.

Click h...