I am currently seeking assistance from legal owners of Intel-based Macs.
In it’s current form, Iridium will successfully skin any application running under Rosetta, but not native applications on the much anticipated Intel-based macs to be released in 2006.
This is because my edits change mostly...
I woke up this morning
to the silence.
It was open
and warm
with the memory
of yesterday.
with thoughts of you
for me
to linger
never doubt
that your smile
can inspire words
as graceful as these.
even the ghost
of your presence
smells warm
like spring.
dreams me of May
when you and I
can know each other
among the flowers.
Take a walk with me
through water
and puddled beneath our feet
and laugh
word with me
as we
spend time
remembering each other
our words
will paint pictures
in oils and chalk
that the water from above
will spread to every corner
of the sidewalk
and make it ours
How have you captured
my dreaming thoughts
so clearly
so soon?
I smile
at the thought of you.
the moment of rain
the sound
the crack
and splat
the sound expands
and washes across the noise
cleansing the street of traffic
months are peeled away
the ever-present
I Get Along Without You Very Well
Words & Music by Jane Brown Thompson & Hoagy Carmichael
Recorded by Rosemary Clooney, 1960
D Bm7-5 G A7 D Cdim G/B G D
I get along without you very well, of course I do;
G G/F# Em7 A7 Em7 G A7
Except when soft rains fall and drip from leaves, then I recall
but I sit here
in a cavernous place
that my heart is alone
and all I have
are memories
of love
and not
wishing for either
Reposted from www.slingshot.org:
Miers & Microsoft
October 4, 2005 – 1:27 am
We don’t know much about Harriet Miers; her qualifications list is short. But one item that is invariably included is her representation of Microsoft. So what exactly did she do for the software behemoth? She protect...
Peter van der Krogt posted details of J. Carrington Sellars Chemistianity on the web. Realizing that I was building a new look for MacOSX that echoed Apple’s old Platinum, I started looking around the web for information about metals that were similar to Platinum. When I reached Peter’s site, this...
Bandar Raffah is the designer responsible for the incredibly cute Tux-n-tosh icons. Back in 2003, he designed an icon set called Feelsright, and I do agree, it does “feel right.” I have only had to make some small adjustments to the pack to make it fit Iridium. And, Bandar has started to produce...
Bandar Raffah has graciously allowed me to use his Feelsright icons in Iridium. I am honored to include such a wonderful set of icons in my download. Other recent changes to Iridium include improved skinning of the Drawers. It’s nearly done, and hopefully, you will be able to download it soon.
For those of you who would like to apply Iridium using ThemeChanger or ShapeShifter instead of using my installer, I have just built an updated DLTA file:https://code.google.com/p/stevenjaycohen/downloads/list
Contingent upon the release status of ThemeChanger, in the future, Iridium might only...