In a few weeks, will expire.

It joins as a piece of my past. Some time next year, a couple of other domains will join the ranks as well.

Of all these, sagefire is the one I will miss the most. I’ll be interested to see who picks it up in years to come.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated this blog. Most of my work has gone on “behind the scenes”, as it were. Small tweaks to the design, hardening security against spammers, uploading new files…

All that, I’ve been doing, but I haven’t actually posted much of anything in a while. Sorry about...

Though served me well over the years, times change, and sometimes, goals change with them. was always a one man show. I had collaborated with others on projects, but there never was anyone behind the scenes with me full time. The alias “Sagefire” evolved out a bit of pers...


After being online for only one day, imagine my surprise to find Doctor Who – Unleashed listed in iTunes: New & Notable! You can subscribe by Clicking Here.

You can now subscribe to BrokenSea‘s Doctor Who podcast in iTunes! There are a couple of short pieces there now. The real stuff begins January 10th! Click here to subscribe! The more people that subscribe via iTunes, the more likely that it will become a featured podcast.

A Writers’ Co-operative can be more than a place to share your work with other working (and aspiring) writers. A Co-op can publish a literary journal, subsidize self-publishing projects, host workshops, and collectively bargin to lower other costs/expenses (potentially healthcare) for its members.


I just got the following email:

We are currently interviewing for a seventh grade English Language Arts position at E. N. White School in Holyoke, MA. If you are interested or know of anyone who may be interested, please contact me by August 9, 2007, at 413-534-2058 or 413-534-2057 or via e-mail...

There are times when I feel that I live my life in the mode of an omniscient narrator. I watch the interactions of others and can see things that don’t seem to be immediately obvious to them.

This skill often came in handy as a teacher. It allowed me the latitude to orchestrate the classroom. A g...

This link is good for 7 days and it connects to a wonderful monologue of a young woman coming to terms with herself by trying to figure out her mother’s world.

I’ve been in a very self-reflective mood recently. So, when I heard this story on Weekend America called Head, or Heart, I was right there and in it. My challenge, day in and out, is to quiet my mind and just be. It’s when I forget this and attempt to logic my way through life, that I have a probl...

I just heard NPR : Are Computer Keyboards Dishwasher Safe? as I was getting ready this morning. It definitely inspired a giggle or two. But, they left out the obligatory tag line: “Hmmmm… my laptop keyboard is looking a bit scruffy…”

Daughter: What’s so hard about coming up with a rhyme for orange?

Me: Well, there really isn’t one single thing that really fits it exactly. There are some words that sort of fit, but —

Daughter: What about “Door Hinge”?

Me: Wow.

That’s not fair! Http:// is my domain. I got it years ago. Long before people were being asked to pay for .US domains. It was supposed to be mine for life. *grumble*

![The Public Radio Talent Quest]()

Okay! I did it! I entered.

I put myself up as a contestant in the Public Radio Talent Quest.

Here is a copy of the text from my submission:

Today, Selected Shorts brings us Literature &
This American Life brings us Biography, but
Theatre is sadly missin...

As you may have read earlier, during that onslaught of rain, my home proved to me that it was lacking 1 vital thing — a sump pump.

So, I got one at Home Depot, brought it home, and got it working. Favoring expedience, I set it up to drain to the sink in the basement. The set up isn’t pretty, but i...