About 3 years ago, I moved from teaching to programming for a living. During that time, I have worked in 4GL languages like Genero from 4js, and more traditional languages like PHP, HTML, CSS, sqlite, mySQL, FileMaker, and now… Java.

Java was an incredible change for me. It was my first real O...

It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated this blog. Most of my work has gone on “behind the scenes”, as it were. Small tweaks to the design, hardening security against spammers, uploading new files…

All that, I’ve been doing, but I haven’t actually posted much of anything in a while. Sorry about...

There is nothing like the sense of accomplishment from a job well done. And, every once in a while, I get a design problem stuck in my head. Often, it is about attempting to work with limited tools.

With this site migration to drupal, I decided that my entire theme would be built in css, no hack...

I’ve just migrated the website from Google Sites to my own server running Drupal. I really enjoyed having my content on Google Sites, but there were a few features that Google just was not going to implement on the Sites system that I wanted to set up.

As you can see, I’ve skinned Drupal to look l...

If anyone is still looking for gMail or Joost accounts, post a reply below and I will send one out to you.

You have probably noticed that I redid the sidebar on the site. I was reading up on Google Site Optimization and I figured that I could test some of it out here.

I do need your opinions on this though:

Do the ads fit the site? I can remove the ad-blocks altogether. They are not that important. E...

Trojan poses as Google Toolbar | The Register

You know, every time I see things like the article above, I am happy that I do not use Windows. The amount of sheer vandalism (yes, that is how I see viruses, spyware, and trojans) rampant on the internet is amazing.

I surf along in my UNIX-based M...

There have been tutorials about using the Jabber features in iChat to connect to many IM systems (AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, etc). I have tried to use this set up from time to time but always reverted to just directly connecting to AIM/ICQ because the gateways that I could find were just too flaky (they...

I’ve been googled!

This is great! And, it explains how I am up to 748 hits a day!

Now, if I could only get more of you to POST replies…

If only 10% of you would reply to what you read, listen to, or look at here, this would all be so worth it.
