National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm and perseverance over painstaking craft, NaNoWriMo is a novel-writing progra...

Kandy by Paul Mannering

This one was so much fun to record. It felt very Hitchcock-ian at the time. Listening to it now, I still feel that way.

Dr Who Trailer 1

I was utterly speechless when I heard this. It has been a long time in coming, a very long time.

My words — my scripts — are on the radio!
(Internet Radio that is…)

I hope you will all be listening when they hit the internet in 2008.

Click here to listen to a Horatio Hornblower story. I am playing acting lieutenant Charles Orrock.

I hear the lieutenant has quite a future ahead of him

More information here

I am in the process of reorganizing the code for the CSS ad blocker. When I am finished, there will be 3 files. One will have all of the code additions that have been made over the last few months and it will be optimized for Safari v2 (meaning it will use display: none, block, inline, etc). The sec...

Although the builds are called nightlies, many of them are being issued each day now. I take this as a good sign. Safari v3’s final release must be immanent.Version 3 seems to handle some CSS that the earlier version did not. This may mark the “end” of GV as a regularly updated project. After some t...

Due to differences in behavior between Safari v3 Beta and the Safari (WebKit) Nightly Release, the October release of Good Vibrations is being delayed. I expect that Safari v3 will go final this month once Mac OSX 10.5 is released.Until then, either continue to use last month’s release or play wit...

It is my distinct pleasure to announce the opening of auditions for Season 3 of Doctor Who at Broken Sea Audio Productions.
(Please copy this email to any actors and onto any lists that you feel appropriate.)

Mark Kalita (Mak) continues in his role of The Doctor and we are looking to build an e...

GoodVibrations is finally becoming a real community effort. Michele Balistreri and Eric Caldwell have submitted some great fixes, tweaks, and general improvements to the code. I am now hosting it as a Google Docs document. People who have submitted fixes can ask for access to the current sourc...

I just entered a script of mine into a Screenwriting Competition. The judges are Stephen Fry, Mark Gatiss, Julie Gardner, and Tony Jordan. I remember the days of being too scared of rejection to even submit my writing. Those days are long gone. Now is the time to be proactive. In five year...

From Designs

I just finished customizing a WordPress skin for The point was to reflect Sarah’s musical style, integrate with her Online Store at CD Baby, and give her an easy non-geeky way of updating her own site.

I am amazed at how quickly GoodVibrations.css has spread. I’ve been contacted by helpful coders from as far off as Japan and Saudi Arabia with tweaks and fixes for this little ad blocker. This was always meant to be a community effort, and now I think there is enough momentum that it might actually...