"We’ve also faced intense criticism and even personal attacks against a number of Automatticians from members of the “community” who want Matt and others to step away from the project," writes Automattic on their official blog.

Yes, Automattic, you have faced intense criticism. And, at this poin...

Moving house is an odd thing, even when that house turns out to be a virtual one. Usually, visual changes here are purely design changes as both my tastes and my design skills evolve. But, this time, many of the changes you see are connected to a migration (or move) of what and how this site functio...

Back in the days of yore, when Facebook hadn't even been a twinkle in Zuck's eye, blogs ruled what existed of the Web. "Normies" had only recently started to venture outside of CompuServ, AOL, Delphi, and the like.

In the primitive world of pre-Google Search, stumbling upon a well-written blog fel...

[In the style of the Gunpowder Plot Rhyme]

Oh why, oh why, the 4th of July,

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

A mandate the Tories have not.

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

They called an election

I see no reason

Without introspection

Why gunpowder treason

Like a lettuce head l...

The sweat tastes of her salt, of course, but also of the chalk that dusts her palms. The room feels warmer than it should right now. She should not be quite this tired, not yet.

Her arm reaches out and curves around cold metal. It gives and pulls both with and against her, balancing her movement,...

Sometimes, the writing can scare me.

There is a moment immediately after the creation of art, art in any medium, where one can notice the expanse of what has just emerged. Is that awe? Not fear. I guess I find that awe to be scary in a way.

Is that mine? Did I do that? Those questions are okay.


Past Imperfecta nostalgia for a time as flawed as our own but without the awareness that tarnishes the now. The wish to be dumb to the follies of society without acknowledging the persistent presence of folly throughout time.

For me, Coney Island is memory. I was born and raised at the nadi...

I find it hard to disengage for the sake of silence. And this is true even though I appreciate the silence once I am there.

The world of distraction is just so easy, so simple, so few clicks away. And, for me at least, embracing the Luddite life tends to leave me too much of a hermit for me to bar...

As I wake to write once again, I find that all my mind can focus upon is the strike. Creatives and the studios built upon dreams — dreams sold or licensed to those who saw in them the possibility of profit — locked, not in a dance, not even a trudge; more of a slouching wobble. A crooked motion, h...

I have a persistently uncomfortable relationship with social media.

But, usually, I can justify using it because it has become the only reliable medium to maintain some connections in recent times. And, if I value those connections enough, the cost of not maintaining that link outweighs my discomf...

More mirror than window is such an eloquent way to put it. The more direct the light we shine upon one another, the more we see ourselves reflected there. That light is to loud, too insistent, too focused to learn much about them, leaving us to perceive ourselves shown back at us.

In the book, Joh...

I just lit what is likely the last fire of the season. I primarily warm my home with a heat pump these days, but on occasion, the pump needs a bit of an assist, so kindling a fire fills the bill.

Starting a fire has become second nature. I know what to put, where to put it, how to space it all. I...

I took a day off from journaling yesterday, just one day, it shouldn’t have really been an issue. But, this morning, I felt resistance get between me and the page in a way that felt familiar to me a little more than a month ago.

It wasn’t a conscious decision not to journal. The day just had too m...

A full cast audiobook series about a young superhero team filled with snark, in-jokes, good writing, and — Okay, you sold me! You had me at the word “superhero.”

Matt Phillion has a great series going, with twists, turns and spin-offs. And, I am loving the challenge of bringing it to audio.


“The fact that [AI]’s specific output cannot be predicted by users makes [AI] different for copyright purposes than other tools used by artists.”

US Copyright Office

They were specifically talking about the art-making AI, Midjourney in this ruling, but as a precedent, what does this mea...