PostADay seems to be working for me and I am really trying to figure out why. On the face of it, promising to do A Post A Day does not seem all that different from doing Morning Pages but in the doing of things, they don’t really feel the same at all.

That could, at least in part, be due to expe...

It smelled of old coffee. So many things do.

My finger ran across the dry skin feeling puckers and bumps that I could not see, only feel.

I could see stains though; more coffee, no doubt.

Dust had worked its way into the edge where the skin met the wood. The dryness meant that it was still jus...

What I remember most was the chain. It was huge. Each link in it, bigger than my skull. It snaked out the back of a massive truck, down passed the end of the street, through the police barricade, across the sand and into the water.

The Belt Parkway ran along the horizon on the other side of the wa...

For me, this year began with a resolution to simplify, to reduce the noise that I felt was affecting my day. I knew this was something that I wanted to do but until I stumbled upon this Vlog Bothers video, (ironically enough) I had had a hard time putting my goal into words 🙂

John telling his...

I sat this morning as the sun arose, drinking my coffee in the near silence of the morning. I had not yet drawn the curtains. So the faint glow of the coming day diffused over the outlines of the furniture.

Two tall windows. Side by side. The regular rolling rush of water outside. The smell of cof...

Like many other blogs across the web, this blog automatically sends out links about new posts to various social media platforms in an effort to increase discoverability.

Occasionally, those links to social media platforms “expire” and need to be renewed. And, since I have not been the most consist...

When you suddenly remember that your website is run by blogging software and the last blog post was about 9 months ago, what do you do?

I sit here and sigh for a moment. That exhale contains an attempt to let go of all the standard “noise” that fills my head when something like that happens; or mo...

It takes a firm twist to make the top of the pot come free. Once it starts to move, it turns smoothly in its groove until it comes away in the hand and is placed upon the counter. A lift of the tray filled with grains hardened by pressure from the last time. It gets turned over, grains facing down i...

Sometimes, blogging can seem to get in the way of creativity.

Tearing one’s self away from substantial projects long enough to formulate a valuable posting can feel like a creative disservice. This concept probably seems “odd”, but should it?

After all, if the purpose of blogging is to draw atte...

“One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.”
— The First Doctor

It has been four years since I finished writing my last Doctor Who script,...

I see
what the fire
reveals of your eyes.

Your soul
agasinst the brown of your skin
makes itself known.

And touches me
in a place
beyond words
before words
before the word.

for you i wait not longingly contently completely utterly still within knowing that one day you and i we will be

I wake With my fingers moving Across the coarse cotton of the bed Toward a notion of you. Breathing deep I dream your scent into being. A longing So utterly essential No longer confined Searches the sheets. Wanting nothing more Or less Than to invoke you.

there is a space
that aches
of a ghostly hollow
yet to come.

a future memory
of a piece
of myself
yet to be vacant.

I struggle
for stillness
and simplicity
in it all.

I fail.

The emails over the last few days have been a bit overwhelming.

Just to be clear, though I may continue writing these stories, they will no longer appear as part of the BSAP podcast. The team at BSAP have decided to take their stories in a different direction. I received an email telling me that m...