Peter van der Krogt posted details of J. Carrington Sellars Chemistianity on the web. Realizing that I was building a new look for MacOSX that echoed Apple’s old Platinum, I started looking around the web for information about metals that were similar to Platinum. When I reached Peter’s site, this...
Bandar Raffah is the designer responsible for the incredibly cute Tux-n-tosh icons. Back in 2003, he designed an icon set called Feelsright, and I do agree, it does “feel right.” I have only had to make some small adjustments to the pack to make it fit Iridium. And, Bandar has started to produce...
Bandar Raffah has graciously allowed me to use his Feelsright icons in Iridium. I am honored to include such a wonderful set of icons in my download. Other recent changes to Iridium include improved skinning of the Drawers. It’s nearly done, and hopefully, you will be able to download it soon.
For those of you who would like to apply Iridium using ThemeChanger or ShapeShifter instead of using my installer, I have just built an updated DLTA file:
Contingent upon the release status of ThemeChanger, in the future, Iridium might only...
It will take a while for v1.6.5 to propagate to planetmirror, so those of you reading this can get a jump on everyone else and download the latest version of Iridium from here. I did a bit of tweaking, improved the installer, fixed the look of the drawers, shrunk the download, and really separated...
So, I know that only a few days ago I thought Iridium was almost over. And, I did not see anything left to theme. Well, of course, that did not last long. The current beta themes all of the drawers properly. Then, as a change of pace, I turned my attention to the installer program. I have integrated...
I am readying Iridium v1.6.4 for release. It is no where near as aggressive of a change as I was toying with in the betas. The new release will fix the metal drawers that appear in apps like iChat and iCal, remove (what I hope to be) the last stripes in the OS, and it fixes a mistake in v1.6.3. I ha...
So, after the release of Iridium v1.6.3, things seem pretty quiet. The email has slowed down. I am still getting a few “thank you”s, and an occasional question, but it seems that v1.6.3 is pretty bug free. I have been working on v1.6.4 though. The changes are getting very minor at this point. So far...
Frequently asked questions:
Q: I’ve installed Iridium, now how do I change between the themes?
A: Iridium is not a theme-changing program. It installs 1 new theme in place of the old look of your OS. To change themes, run one of the other installers or restore programs.
Q: I would like to reque...
SmoothTunes began as part of Iridium. A theme for MacOSX 10.4
Like the rest of my site, SmoothTunes is licensed under the Creative Commons, but since it is a derivative work and not wholly original, I chose the follow...
*“IRIDIUM, Platinum’s twin companion
And to which it has a great resemblance,
Is a white and brittle metal that fuses
With difficulty in the Compound Blowpipe flame.”*
–J. Carrington Sellars, Chemistianity , 1873, p. 186
Before MacOSX, Apple Computers shipped an OS that had a unified lo...