I was tired of places like YouTube handing me tags to place flash files in my blog when they are not now (and never have been) part ofany HTML or XHTML standard. So, I took a look at how different browsers use tags to achieve the same thing. Then, I tested my results in Safari, Firefox, Opera, Explorer, and Lynx. My experiements resulted in the following code:
<оbject type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" data="https://url.to/file.swf"><br></br><param name="movie" value="https://url.to/file.swf" /><br></br><param name="quality"value="high" /><br></br><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><br></br><param name="pluginurl" value="https://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
<br></br><a href="https://url.to/file.swf" mce_href="https://url.to/file.swf">HERE</a>
Unfortunately, the redundancy is necessary. It compensates for differences between the major browsers. Remember to set your height and width, and to change the URL in all 3 places. If anyone would like to help me encase this in a wordpress plugin, I’d appreciate it.