I have to thank Amanda and Leigh for being there today. I need people like you (who cut right through the crap) and say what is on your mind a lot more often. Both of you helped make my life a more conscious endeavor, and I am grateful.

It’s amazing to think of how many motivations in my life may...

It’s been a while, I know. In fact, part of the reason for this post is because quite few people seem to be checking in on what’s going on in my life by reading this page, so here goes.

I was offered more work from the online teaching place. Now, I am their Curriculum and Technology Integration Sp...

Wow again! Now I am up to 411 hits per day. And, after pouring over the usage log, I am finding that most people seem to be hitting the picture gallery right now. And most of those pics are old. Okay, I guess its time to brush off the camera and take to the streets again.

Some people have asked...


of the machine


touched with maple syrup

kissed with cream…

All in my big, wooden mug…

listening to Mieka Pauley, sing Fate Day By Day… oh, how could things get better?

A big thank you to goes to Andrew, who sat there in an IM window and helped me tweak the HTML o...

Okay, I am just blown away. I just checked the Webalizer log and found out that I am averaging 361 visitors a day. A large chunk of that are people downloading my linux color schemes and wallpapers, but an almost equally large chunk are people reading my poems.


I wasn’t even considering t...

A tired, slow day. Coffee with an old friend. Tweaking the web page a little bit here and there. Listening to This American Life. Cleaning up the house a bit (but not enough, of course).Do you have a friend who can cut right through the crap and ask you really penetrating questions? I do.

And, som...

Okay, so I was served a major bit of reality the day before yesterday. I walked in to that new job. I met everyone. And, I was shown the ropes. I didn’t talk much. I listened… hoping to really learn what the place was all about.

I learned two things:

  1. Although the management there say they ar...

So, with all of this time on my hands, I thought that maybe I should finish up parts of this site. (Of course I would rather clean the site than my apartment!)

I decided to use a banner changer instead of the gallery software on this web server. I have gotten addicted to some of the features and s...

The move is happening in bits and pieces. Who knows, it may be a bit of backlash from all of the moving that I have done this year. In some ways, I have come full circle. In other ways, I may have only turned 263.72 degrees and I am pointing in an entirely new direction.

A lot of the unnecessary t...

As you can see, the whole site is VERY much a work in progress now. A lot has changed recently. I got a new job. I am now the Associate Director for Curriculum Development at Sylvan Learning Centers out here. With that, and changing servers, and writing a new song, and guitar shopping, and making...

Okay, so my math is a bit off… I’ll be 35 1/2 on July 29th. Verizon still can’t seem to fix those “web gems” as they call them, so I am leaving my page as is. And, since my computer is now 100% functional, I should be able to get the rest of my writing up REALLY soon.

The site itself is now fully functional. I may replace the Google search box with something designed to just search this site, but that is really low priority. Speaking of searches, I have started submitting the site to search engines. If any of you could add listing to this site around the net, I...

I am waiting for Verizon to fix a scripting error on their end. Until then, I have replaced their eMail form with an ICQ-based one. So, sending me a message from there actually pops up an ICQ message when I sign on. Once the scripting thing is taken care of, a lot more of my site will go live. And...

A few server changes and design tweaks… and two months pass! Go figure… There is a lot that is now up and functional. Quite a few people are asking for my stories to go live. I am sorry that this is taking longer than I thought. I promise to get to it soon.